Sunday, April 20, 2008

Survivor-- vegetable edition

Umm...this is what I saw today when I opened my composter for the first time in a week.The only thing I think they could be is soybeans-- from the edamame that was boxed, frozen, bought at Costco, probably allowed to defrost (you gotta sit and have a hot dog after a tedious day shopping at Costco), refrozen in my fridge at home, and then microwaved for 3 minutes. After surviving all that, I'd hate to have them die now-- so we're trying to figure out how to transplant them somewhere safer without shocking the heck out of them. Apparently soybeans like coffee as much as I do, They were growing in 3 inches of it.

ETA: Okay, so apparently soybeans CAN'T survive all that-- when I went to dig them up I saw that they were growing out of squash shells. I had forgotten that I threw away some butternut squash guts a couple of weeks ago. Actually that's really exciting, because our family eats butternut squash by the truckload-- so if we can actually manage to grow some fruit before we kill the plants, we'll be all set for the summer (you know, butternut squash-wise) We planted 21 of the plants in our garden, and gave away 40+ more to Jamie, the Bams, and the Grzeckas. Actually, we did more of a run-by-seedling with the Gerckies-- they might not have even wanted them. Hehe. :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Layla's New Do...

I decided to bob Layla's hair for the summer. (Daddy thinks it's really cute short) I found out from Tasia that some hair donation organizations --like Pantene's Beautiful Lengths-- let you donate only 8" of hair, which Layla BARELY had to give (so it's a little shorter than originally planned) It was a really unique opportunity to teach her about giving, and she let everyone know that she "donated her ponytail to kids that needed some hair." I love her new do, and so does Daddy-- although it makes her look closer to 5 than 2. :( BTW I wasn't just letting myself off the hook... I was ready to donate 8" too, but they don't accept dyed or highlighted hair. *whew!*