Thursday, August 27, 2009

Nom Nom Nom

We always joke about Paisley's ever-present wedgie... so naturally we decided to draw a face on her bootie and take pictures. I don't see that we had any other choice.
Let's see, time for some random Mac girl memories over the last several weeks...
Layla has started calling herself "Yay-yuh" when referring to herself around Paisley or any other small child. "Yay-yuh will get you a drink... do you want water?" You know, like I call myself Mommy. I think she's old enough to move out and get her own place now.
Paisley pronounces the word "fancy" as "dancy"... as in, "Yook mommy, that pwetty dwess is so dancy!" Fairly appropriate actually.
The other (particularly stressful) day, after I was apparently being impatient with my children, Paisley lined up her stuffed animals and was lecturing them, "No whining! That's not nice! If yo whining you need to go to bed! It's yate! Go wite to bed and I'll see you in the mowning. No hitting yo sis-toe! You hafto shay-o yo toys!" At least I always have instant feedback on how I'm doing as a mother.
From Layla a few weeks ago; "I can't wait to be a mommy, so when I grow up I'm going to look for a boy..." (she pauses and looks at me--apparently I look like an emotional pregnant basketcase) "But... we don't have to talk about that right now."
Oh, and earlier that day Layla has been asking me about each kind of animal and whether it laid eggs like a chicken or had babies like mommy. (this pregnancy has been quite educational for her) After the zillionth animal she asked about, she concluded "So... it seems like animals that have fur have their babies like people, and animals without fur lay eggs." Sometimes she's so smart it's scary.
I'll end with a quote from me: "We don't put beetles in our panties." While this is one of those truths which I held to be self-evident, it wasn't at the time. Well, it sort of was, in that WE did not put beetles in our panties. In the long, long list of things I never thought I'd say... that one ranks near the top.