My second-to-last post was about my daughter turning three...and in 3 months she'll be four. I definitely need to get on the ball here. How about a quick overview of the past 6-8 months? I'll assume you just said, "Why yes, please! Fill us in!" :) Okay, since you asked... Layla turned 3, the girls became playmates (yay!), we got pregnant and miscarried :( , we went to San Fran for Christmas and had a great time with Jacob's family and the Hacketts, we came back and got pregnant again (woo-hoo!-- EDD is Oct. 7th), Paisley grew up (seriously-- it was like overnight. She started talking in sentences, listening to her parents, stopped getting in trouble, learned her colors/shapes/letters/numbers...I think she was just ready to be a big sister).... I think those are all of the highlights. Coming soon: Paisley turns 2, Mommy turns 28, Angie graduates highschool, and Layla turns 4!
Okay, now that we're all caught up, I'm going to try to blog once a week. Ha.