Sat unassisted: 6 1/2 months
Crawl/scooted: Backwards-6 months Forward--soon he hopes!
Started babbling: 5 1/2 months
STTN: STILL TBA... he's only up once now though, so we're improving.
Cut first tooth: 6 months, second at 6 1/2
Started solids: 6 months. So far he likes pears, pizza crust (bad mommy) and bananas, isn't a fan of peas or yogurt, and is desperately in love with sweet potatoes.
8 months: moving all around the house baby-sea-lion-style. (works well on shiny floors) T also does "So Big" and claps when we say "yay!" Pulls up to his knees, and even to a stand occasionally. Sleeping is WORSE now... he better be cutting at least 6 teeth to justify getting up 5X a night, or he's grounded. He eats anything and everything, and feeds himself finger foods really well (although no pincer grasp yet)
Most of all he loves loves LOVES water. The bath, the pool, the sprinklers... he is so splash-happy that no other kid wants to play near him. He also tries to push away from me to "swim" by himself (he's also discovered outlets and cords)... I might have another Trouble on my hands soon. Good thing middle sis prepared me this time.