All right, this is embarrassing. It's been over a year since I last blogged. My excuse is that I've been using Facebook like a blog. And that I have 3 small kids. And my little guy is super high-maintenance. And I've been lazy.
Okay, let's see... Thatcher went from getting up once a night to getting up 2-3 times. Then to staying up for hours in the middle of the night. Then to getting up at 2:30. FOR THE DAY. By this time he was 16 months old. We took him off dairy, no change. We tried going gluten-free, no change. I tried keeping a food diary for him and charting which nights were the worst, which led me to take him off of eggs, strawberries, citrus, and hummus. No change. We tried probiotics... you get the idea.
Needless to say, I was at the end of my rope, when suddenly the problem was solved in a totally unexpected way. Thatch got the stomach flu. Bad. Like, throwing up for 18 hours straight bad. Then for the 24 hours after that he could only suck on ice cubes-- any amount of water and he would start throwing up again. I had weaned him from the bottle at least 3 times since he was a year old, but when it made no difference in his sleeping I ended up going back to it so I had SOME way to get him back to sleep. Getting so sick, he was completely off of the bottle again for 4 days, and I decided we may as well take it away officially. 3 nights after he got better, he slept through the night. Then again. And again. Now at 19 months he is sleeping 10-11 hours straight at night. Usually. :)
Some more stats from my year of MIA:
First word: vrrrrrroom! Yes, a car sound preempted "mama" by a couple of days.
Walked: 11 months
STTN: 18 months *angels rejoicing*
T is now 19 months. He is in what I like to call the "label-maker" phase. He points and names EVERYTHING he sees. He was/is a very late talker, but he understood everything I told him from a young age. Lately he has been obsessed with letters, and already knows a few. He also knows his colors; blue, yellow, red, purple, and green... even though he can barely talk. (boo, yo-yo, weh, po-po, ghee)
He's also throwing some incredible, mind-blowing, award-winning fits lately. If he was being eaten alive by lions, his volume & intensity of screaming would STILL be a tad dramatic.
The current loves of his little life are mama, dada, lala, seesee, cars (cah!), balls (bah!), his blankie (baby), and his stuffed elephant Bob (Bah!).
Every time he wakes up or feels like a cuddle he walks up to me, hands me his blankie, announces "baby!" (which I must throw over my shoulder), then hands me Bob (Bah!) which goes on top of blankie, then he stretches his arms up and says "Dat-doh!" (Thatcher) which means I should pick him up so he can cuddle me, blankie, and Bob at the same time. It's the cutest thing ever, but don't be fooled-- following his directions is not optional. Any failure on the part of the mother (or other chosen adult) will result in an immediate meltdown.
Oh yes, and since the last time I blogged the boy has grown hair. And it's curly. Curly hair, dimples, and huge blue eyes. This is why he runs things around here. We're all putty in his sticky little hands.