Monday, July 7, 2008

The Birthday Girl

I can't believe I have a 3-year old. I mean, I can believe it because she's acted like she was 3 since she was 1, but still...3!!?? Where did the time go? My baby isn't a baby anymore. She's not even technically a toddler. She's a, what, preschooler? I'm not ready for backpacks and lunches and big yellow school buses. Okay, I have 2 more years until the school bus, but 2 years seems not so far away.
But enough emotional-mommy talk...this post was supposed to be about her birthday party, which was a lot of fun. She has her friends Emma, Josh, Kiefer, and Brayden over, and they all took turns beating on a pinata which evidently necessitated a real bat instead of a plastic one. With a little mommy-help it was eventually opened. She got lots of nice presents, including plenty of sparkly dress-up clothes which are her and Sissy's current favorite thing to play with. Thanks for coming everybody, and thanks for the great gifts!

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