Sunday, February 3, 2008

Her Daddy's Daughter

I'm not one to wonder how things were made or how they work. If everyone were like me, there wouldn't be any fancy-pants inventions like electricity...or automobiles...or indoor plumbing. Not that I don't love those things-- I just never would have thought of them. (but on the upside, the world would be very organized and aesthetically pleasing) Anyway, Layla evidently takes after Daddy, because the other day in the car she asked me, "Mommy, why do bikes and cars both have wheels?" I was impressed. I told her that's how they both move-they roll on wheels. "Oh, like a ball rolls?" she asked. "Just like a ball!" I told her. "But how do they roll?" she wondered. Uh-oh. "Well baby, cars have engines, and they move the, uh, pistons-er-gaskets...I mean, the wheels are on axles that spin on the...umm...I bet Daddy wants to tell you when he gets home from work!" Shoot. She's only 2 1/2, and she's already stumping mommy.

1 comment:

Yard said...

If she truly takes after daddy, she won't be satisfied once she learns the answer. It only fuels the fire of inquisition.