I don’t even know where to start… I learned 3 things today; I drink too much coffee, I go to IKEA too often, and Layla is already smarter than I am.
Let’s see, for number one, we were talking about the names of baby animals. She told me a baby horse was a foal, a baby dog was a puppy, a baby chicken was a chick, a baby sheep was a lamb, and a baby cow was a half-and-half. : )
We got in the car and I told Layla we were going to IKEA, and she said, “Oh! IKEA! It’s the big blue house with giant “lellow” letters... I, E…what’s the other letters mommy?”
As we were driving, born out of the baby animal conversation, we were talking about the difference between things that are alive, and things that aren’t alive. (It started because she asked what a baby house was called) I gave her some examples and told her that things that are alive eat, move, and grow. She quickly got it, and named “alive” things. “People are alive, bushes are alive, horses are alive, trucks are alive…” I corrected her and told her trucks weren’t alive. “Yes they are mommy. That truck is moving. Do you see it moving? It eats gas. It’s alive.”
*Last cute saying today, I promise* Layla was “cooking” in her room, and I asked what she was making. “ I’m just making some food mommy. I’m kind of a good cook.”